Dorogie druz'ya! Priglashaem vas prinyat' uchastie v piknike.
Mesto provedeniya – zona otdyha «Troickoe» na beregu Klyaz'menskogo vodohranilischa. Za poslednie pyat' let kolichestvo provedennyh piknikov v etom meste bolee 10. Kak pravilo prihodyat do 20 chelovek.
Planiruemye meropriyatiya: igra v voleibol,badminton,nastol'nye igry – shashki,shahmaty,karty,domino.
Katanie na lodkah. Kupanie v Klyaz'menskom vodohranilische. Jelayuschim nujno vzyat' s soboi kupal'nye kostyumy i polotenca.
Poedanie shashlykov i drugoi vkusnoi edy. Osmotr mestnyh dostoprimechatel'nostei. Kak dobrat'sya? Ot metro «Altuf'evo» 20 minut na avtobuse.
Gde my vstrechaemsya i vo skol'ko? V centre zala m. «Altuf'evo» s 10-30 do 10-50 v subbotu 16 AVGUSTA 2008 goda.
Pros'ba ne opazdyvat'! Neobhodimo vzyat' s soboi horoshee nastroenie.
Kontaktnoe lico: Vladimir – 8-905-791-19-56 (495) 473-40-16
Uchastie v piknike BESPLATNOE!!!
Dear friends! We invite you to Troitskoe on 16 August on Saturday. It’s our traditional outdoor activity. You will be able to play volleyball, badminton, cards and so on. We recommend you to take towels and mats to lie on grass. Vladimir Bekker will be waiting for you in the middle of Altufievo platform from 10.30 till 10.45. If it is too early you can get there yourselves. For that you need to take 1st carriage from the center then turn left. In the street you should wait for the bus N302 at the bus stop in front of Perekrestok supermarket. The next bus is 13.20. Troitskoe is the last stop so you won’t be able to miss it. Then just follow the crowd and you will get the shore!
For more info call Vladimir or Helen.
The participation is free but you have to buy drinks and food for yourselves of share the expenses.
You are confusing everybody, Volodya! Last time you said - Senezh lake! Now - Troitskoe... Up your mind at where do you still suggest to go? For all that?!