Dorogie druz'ya! Priglashaem vas prinyat' uchastie v otdyhe - piknike.
Mesto provedeniya – arhangel'skoe - muzei - park - usad'ba! Planiruemye meropriyatiya: igra v voleibol,badminton,nastol'nye igry – shashki,shahmaty,karty,domino.
Katanie na lodkah. Poedanie shashlykov i drugoi vkusnoi edy. Osmotr mestnyh dostoprimechatel'nostei - usadeb,muzei,parkov. Kak dobrat'sya? Ot metro «tusHinskayA» 20 minut na avtobuse.
Gde my vstrechaemsya i vo skol'ko? V centre zala m. «tusHinskayA» s 11-30 do 11-45 v subbotu 23 avgusta 2008 goda.
Pros'ba ne opazdyvat'! Neobhodimo vzyat' s soboi horoshee nastroenie.
Kontaktnoe lico: Vladimir – 8-905-791-19-56 (495) 473-40-16
Uchastie v piknike besplatnoe!!!
Dear friends! We invite you to arhangelskoe - museum-park-country estate on the 23th August on Saturday 2008. Where are we going to meet and when?
We are going to meet inside the metro station "tushinskaya" in the center of the station from 11-30 tо 11-45 For more info call Vladimir or Helen.
The participation is free but you have to buy drinks and food for yourselves of share the expenses.