Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
under your eyes

Сообщений: 2
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 04.09.08 |
Опубликовано 04.09.2008 11:49 |
Hello! is this club still exist?
My name is Nastya and i'm a new member. I haven't to any meetings yet. I am afraid a little because i forgot how to speak in English. Also because i am shy. 
About myself: I am native Russian speaker, also i know Spanish. I'm working as promogirl(промоутер) already for one year. I'd like to listen to McFly, Good Charlotte, My chemical romance, sum 41, Blink182.
Contact me if you ' d like to.
i'm a new member. Help! |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |

Сообщений: 60
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 19.10.06 |
Опубликовано 04.09.2008 23:44 |
The club still exists. It is never closed for summer, autumn, winter, spring or other periods except one week Christmas holiday. Everything is fine! You can come anytime you want. Welcome! |
Автор |
RE: for the newcommers |
Сообщений: 1
Зарегистрирован: 05.09.08 |
Опубликовано 05.09.2008 12:55 |
Hi everybody! In need to improve my english, I guess it is more easy and more pleasant to do it by means of communication. I was told about your club so I'm on this site. Read you have a beach party tomorrow. Could I join? |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |

Сообщений: 60
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 19.10.06 |
Опубликовано 05.09.2008 14:27 |
Sure Welcome  |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
under your eyes

Сообщений: 2
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 04.09.08 |
Опубликовано 05.09.2008 16:35 |
Do we need to bring something tommorow?
i'm a new member. Help! |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |

Сообщений: 1
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 20.09.08 |
Опубликовано 20.09.2008 22:12 |
Hello! My name is Tatiana.
I think I can be considered a newcomer =)
I visited your club several years ago when I was a student.
I have graduated from the university and now I'm a teacher.
I'll be glad to visit your club again.
See you 
Tatiana |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
Сообщений: 1
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 20.08.08 |
Опубликовано 23.09.2008 12:05 |
I’m Lana
I’ve been studying English for some years, but I have not use it for a long time
So, I’d like to improve me skills
I’ll be happy to visit the club soon!
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
Сообщений: 1
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 01.10.08 |
Опубликовано 01.10.2008 13:41 |
Hello evwrybogy !
I'm very glad to see so much new perfect faces !
I want to improve my English by conversation.
Library of Foreign Literature has a desk for ads
but there is not message about this club. And i found you in net !
I'm Sergei. 32 y.
Take me know when you gathered together to see you !
Dont hesitate to write me right now !
I'm waiting to hear you ! |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |

Сообщений: 60
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 19.10.06 |
Опубликовано 04.10.2008 01:48 |
Every Wednesday and Sunday! Welcome! The whole information is on the home page |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
jay jeong
Сообщений: 1
Откуда: bilaevo,moscow
Зарегистрирован: 08.10.08 |
Опубликовано 08.10.2008 17:55 |
wow, i finally found it. i am thinking of joining this club. i just came moscow 2 weeks ago. i work for the bank. It is very hard to survive here as i can't speak Russian well. i love talking English with a lot of friends. hope to see ya soon.

[center][/center] |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
Сообщений: 1
Откуда: Moscow, Выхино
Зарегистрирован: 14.10.08 |
Опубликовано 14.10.2008 19:05 |
to Jay Jeong: I came (actually returned after 6 month in Europe) to Moscow 3 weeks ago. I don't need to survive ) because I'm native russian speaker but I really need to survive my english. So I have found the information about this club. Perhaps will be a newcomer. Have you already visited it or just going to? |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
nick vince
Сообщений: 1
Откуда: Taganaska
Зарегистрирован: 15.01.09 |
Опубликовано 15.01.2009 11:13 |
In the latest member (as of about 5 minuets ago)
Im English........ i mean really English, born in Oxford, went to English private boarding school, lived in UK most of my life. Now im living and working in Moscow.
Bad news the maximum extent of my Russian is the ability to order a beer at the 3rd attempt, (often accompanied by sign language).
So i thought i would come along to a meeting in a week or so time and see how things go
cheers Nick Vince |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |

Сообщений: 60
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 19.10.06 |
Опубликовано 15.01.2009 18:25 |
Hi, Nick!
I think it's a right place for you. Welcome  |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
Сообщений: 1
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 08.02.08 |
Опубликовано 08.06.2009 17:10 |
Hello! I am going to come this Wednesday first. Is it all right? |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |

Сообщений: 60
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 19.10.06 |
Опубликовано 08.06.2009 22:08 |
All right! Welcome! |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
Сообщений: 3
Откуда: Russia
Зарегистрирован: 20.06.09 |
Опубликовано 21.06.2009 02:08 |
Hi all!!!I'd like to join to the club! It will be fine if I come tomorrow, wont it? |
Автор |
RE: Newbie alert! |
Сообщений: 2
Откуда: Metro Universitet
Зарегистрирован: 21.06.09 |
Опубликовано 21.06.2009 13:30 |
Hi all!
Just thought that I'd say that I was planning on coming down today too.
See you there!
T. |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
gek roken

Сообщений: 1
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 22.06.09 |
Опубликовано 22.06.2009 11:52 |
Just found your club. It's a pitty i missed yesterday meeting... looking forward seeing u on wedne sday |
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
Сообщений: 3
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 24.06.09 |
Опубликовано 24.06.2009 21:23 |
Hello! Will you come on Friday to Olympiada-80? I am going to join your meeting for the first time. See you. 
Автор |
RE: For the newcomers |
Olga M
Сообщений: 1
Откуда: Moscow
Зарегистрирован: 17.07.09 |
Опубликовано 17.07.2009 13:48 |
Hello, everybody!
It's nice to know such a club is real. Would like to join you asap.